Ribbon Thermocouples are the solution to a problem you never knew you had and the next step in progression of instrumentation. The ribbon gage thickness provides for a more rapid response while maintaining resistivity allowing for one-for-one replacement of standard thermocouple products. The reduced thickness provides for use in applications that otherwise might create issues. Adhesive backing and specialized packaging allows for easy and simple application of the thermocouple in any use.

The low profile of the ribbon is ideal for use in vacuum bags and the process of vacuum bagging. This application typically requires extended time and multiple technicians and can be reduced to simplicity. Not only is placement of the thermocouple head explicit but the routing of the thermocouple is easily defined and controlled in one operation. The thermocouple head is more representative of laminate temperatures and won’t perforate release films. Any resin bleed won’t follow the ribbon thermocouple to manifolding causing secondary failures. Finally the transition of the ribbon thermocouple through vacuum bag sealant tape does not require additional tape above/below the ribbon or allow for pullout and vacuum leaking.